
From Unitystation
Revision as of 19:39, 10 August 2022 by Spectre1122 (talk | contribs)

Known as Spectre Henrison or Spectre Henrinya on Unitystation, the pet cat guy, the xeno fanatic guy, the ce that is makin hot ice and gets killed by said hot ice xd or just at that piece of shit that annoys me bc I won't let him do stuff/work in/for my dep, I'm just making this for fun bc I can do my own page on this wiki, I'm no one special, started playing I think for 1-2 years, when we used to like 4 transformations for the chap's null rod, there was not as much colored cables for hacking, we had outpost/fall/square but forgot which map was the 4th one, I forgot if we even had a 4th map at the time I played xd.

Anyway, known to sometimes be annoying, I'm always crazy about xenos experiments to the point of dying for them, love to be a "cat pet", so having cat ears (if possible) and a pet collar, was told to do that when on square one round by a psychiatrist to complete my "kinks" by every means. When playing as a "pet cat", "masters" can be known as "Atlas" and "Instance One". Idk what else to say so as I find out imma write it here, I'm thinking about contributing to this wiki for images and stuff :D