Notable Versions

From Unitystation

Notable versions of the game are often lost or removed as new updates come out, destroying some of the history of the game.

This page serves to document and archive lost or notable versions of the game that had been removed from official distribution, special test versions that were never distributed to begin with, or other builds that have significant notability[1]

If you have an old version that we don't have downloads listed here, come talk to us in the #unitywiki channel on Our discord!

Version Fork (branch) Link Commit Notes
3993 Unitystation Windows Server 1147581?


Source: craftxbox
3997 Unitystation Server 5b331e8? Source: craftxbox
4000 Unitystation Windows Server d6d1f23? Source: craftxbox
4006 Unitystation 46755f1? Featured in Rimmy Downunder's video[1]
4008 Unitystation e054188? Featured in Rimmy Downunder's video[1]
4009 Unitystation 6f4ee53? Featured in Rimmy Downunder's video[1]
4010 Unitystation 4c2540f? The first build available at the release of Rimmy Downunder's video[2]
21050308 UnityStationDevelop Windows Linux OSX Server a454e09? Source: craftxbox